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Have now made arrangements for Ralphy to fly from Melbourne quarantine to Adelaide so one more chore off the list

He hasn't left the UK yet but I am trying to sort as much as I can when I can !

Must admit I am more worried about the boy than us as we are used to doing the UK to Oz journey

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Bless you it's hard not to worry about how they will cope with it all....I've made the journey to and from Aust - UK many times over the years. Also had a few trips to and from the USA -Aust in years gone by. It is slightly different this time, as of course I'm going home to stay and taking my furry ones with with me. I feel like the countdown has well and truly begun now that it's down to but a few weeks and the dogs are reaching their final bits and pieces...the big hurdles have been jumped already.


But I was having quite a struggle the other day working out values for the removalist insurance ....some things are just so difficult to value ....and then filling out the customs forms ....for example I have some unique crafting supplies (to make Native American styled items in my spare time) all of which had to be listed and declared. I came very close to saying to hell with it and throwing them out ,not taking them but then thought no I know I'd regret that for sure lol My folks as I've mentioned before are also in the throws of moving from Perth back over east too. They are getting there with the pre packing/sorting , selling off some items we won't need, and putting the big Perth house on the market this coming Tuesday so there's been a lot of prep work done there too. I think my folks will be relieved once it has gone ...for a multitude of reasons I feel it won't be on the market long ...for example it is in a very good and popular suburb of Perth, it's a beautiful spacious house that has never been on the market before...my folks had it built with one of Perth's most respected builders and it's quality throughout. In one of those odd things they lived with me in my place in Perth for quite some time whilst that house was being built...it was lovely to be able to spend time with my folks as an adult, different dynamics completely from a kid....I'm very much looking forward to spending their older years, however long we all have, with them too :) One of the things I have struggled with being in the UK was being apart from my family and friends as time goes on that has become a huge issue for me ...I always knew one day I'd want to go back home and yep I do feel truly blessed that I am able to do that this year. Am looking forward to stepping through our new front door in but a few short weeks and shortly after seeing my trio playing happily in their new backyard.


My vet was asking me if I was stressed yet the other day ...which was funny as the surgery was absolutely heaving ...thought to myself never mind my stress looks like they were having a massive influx that day (post easter rush) ....told him ask me again later today after the last dog has been down lol One of mine particularly didn't like the last blood tests (brucellosis leishmaniasis, and erlichiosis) , she was quite subdued for the rest of the day, but she's bounced back fine now. She's usually the best one but this time the best one was the youngest, now she I thought might be difficult as she doesn't like needles etc , so there ya go !! You can't help but worry as I was saying to my folks when we have blood tests and the like we know what's happening to us ...for our pets they just don't know. I just keep in mind that it's short term upheaval for a long term gain for all of us.


cheers Mary-Anne

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They cope better than we think.


Our little fella was fine except for jet lag - we were surprised, but yet, they do apparently get it and he was tired for about 2 weeks with his body clock not really set. But, he if fully back to normal now and has even acclimatized - in Oz, he would act like it was freezing if it was under 20c. The other day he was laid sun bathing on the grass in Windsor Great Park in 14c.

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I think he will cope it's me who is anxious partly because of his breed as they sometimes don't travel well and get anxious

mind he is the most laid back dog even the last vets visit she was laughing at him as nothing seems to phase him

Next step is the last blood tests on April 13th then he should be right - think I will need Valium by the time he goes

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LOL no worries mate their service is fine. maybe next time :)


I might be calling on you yet Mick ...been having hassles getting hold of the company that was going to transport my trio from quarantine to their new home in May ...as you can imagine as a result I'm not feeling relaxed at this very minute as I thought I was sorted with that.


On the bright side their last blood tests are all fine so only the last of the flea tick and worming to go !!


Will give them another day or two... if not well the job of getting them from melbourne to border of vic nsw will be up for grabs.


cheers Mary-Anne

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I might be calling on you yet Mick ...been having hassles getting hold of the company that was going to transport my trio from quarantine to their new home in May ...as you can imagine as a result I'm not feeling relaxed at this very minute as I thought I was sorted with that.


On the bright side their last blood tests are all fine so only the last of the flea tick and worming to go !!


Will give them another day or two... if not well the job of getting them from melbourne to border of vic nsw will be up for grabs.


cheers Mary-Anne


I highly recommend them.In case you didn't see it, this is a post about my experience of Dogtainers. http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/pets/245985-email-dogtainers.html

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Thanks for that link VS and your reccommendation ....great pics made me smile ... you wouldn't be able to see a desk if any of my lot were perched on it lol. I'll be giving Dogtainers a call if I don't hear from the company in the next couple of days. I don't want to jump the gun as there may be a very valid reason they haven't been in touch again as yet but at the same time I'm keeping my options open. I'm not one who functions well doing things at the last minute I like to have it sorted well beforehand so to speak and I'll honestly put my hand up and say it never inspires confidence in me with any company if there's no reply when you ask a specific question.


cheers Mary-Anne

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I might be calling on you yet Mick ...been having hassles getting hold of the company that was going to transport my trio from quarantine to their new home in May ...as you can imagine as a result I'm not feeling relaxed at this very minute as I thought I was sorted with that.


On the bright side their last blood tests are all fine so only the last of the flea tick and worming to go !!


Will give them another day or two... if not well the job of getting them from melbourne to border of vic nsw will be up for grabs.


cheers Mary-Anne


Hi Mary-Anne, and thank you Stormy


We are here to help you if you need it, just drop me an email to headoffice@dogtainers.com.au and we will have it all booked and confirmed within 30 mins.





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